Friday, April 8, 2011

Starting from 22

Last night, received a call from kek keong said he had just got home for his study week, of course i will meet him up, for dinner. went to my favorite oo chien stall somewhere around chung ling high school to give it a kill, now my body is full of testosterone ahha, girl who wants to find me tonight can give me a call, and i won't disappoint you =P. Initially i thought meet up just for dinner, but we planned to go for a movie in gurney plaza, choy lee fut by sammo hung, erm, generally not bad.

What i want to jot down in my blog is we talked about our age last night, yea we are 22, and we haven't done anything crazy that we could proudly share to our kids, if we have, in future time. 22, and i think this is the time that we should dream big, as we are still young, still dare...dream but not just dream, have to do something to realise it, and by 30, we should at least achieve, maybe not fully, what we want.

Yes, keong and i do have MANY things, not just something, that we want to achieve in our life, what about you?

hmm, time flies, i am already 22. =(

Saturday, April 2, 2011

艳福不浅 友谊万岁








Friday, April 1, 2011


昨晚跑到宿舍健身室健身,但是里面太闷热,觉得只健身超不爽,可能昨晚肌肉细胞太活跃吧!玩玩哑铃几下,转去踢拳中沙包。果然,越踢越起劲,越中越神速,只有一个字,爽!不是乱踢,更不是盲中,因为之前有密训过跆拳道三天,匆忙为了比赛,结果当然还是输了给州手。话说回来,昨晚练到还蛮累的,但不知为何还会失眠,可能运动之后脑袋充满了氧气,太活跃了!这还不要紧,今天起床时,右手感觉到麻木,尤其拇指食指中指,都不懂是否正中神经线(median nerve)受伤。说真的,我还蛮喜欢战斗,之前SPM后说要练一门功夫,可是到现在都做不到,这种运动,年纪越大越不适合,当有一天我不在了,很肯定这会是我的遗憾。之前大二练过一下跆拳道,但不知为何不怎么喜欢,还是比较喜欢泰拳,但这运动受伤几率是非常地高,尤其是与对手对打时。


刚从云顶回来,今天玩得有点过度,昨晚又睡不好,比较容易提不起劲。今天差点喊破了喉咙。但是金盆洗手了,没去找Mr Lim 切磋。